Stress test the demand for your product in a new market/category or customer segment. The Catalyst team have been testing new products before launch for decades. Let us help you get it right the first time.
Whether its mystery shopping or talking to your customers about your service. We have the know how.
Would you like to create an industry index? or a service or trust measure? We have been designing and tracking indices across a range of sectors. Let us custom design something to fit your marketplace.
Catalyst are skilled in developing models which operate as powerful heuristics for sense making and guiding policy within an organisation, NGO or government. Qualitative techniques are used to build the framework of latent measures like Trust or National Values, while Quantitative measures are brought to bear to determine the key pillars underpinning these measures, and then guide improvement strategies.
Catalyst can develop an index to track your corporate strategy. Tracking your performance against that tailored index will ensure you monitor your progress and performance against key organisational goals.